Egg Layers - Zone 5 (Commercial/Wholesale & Feed Stores)(2020)
Novogen | |
Breed Origin: | France |
Egg Color: | Reddish Brown |
Egg Size: | Large-XL, Jumbo |
Egg Production: | 300+ Annually |
Matures: | Early, 18-20 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Medium, 4.5 lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
NOVOgen Brown
The NOVOgen Brown is a Red Sex-Link. This particular breed has been developed in France, derived from a cross between Rhode Island Red and Leghorn genetics. The NOVOgen Brown is a brown egg-layer which produces a beautiful large to extra large dark brown egg.
• A prolific egg-layer
• Estimated 395 eggs in 72 weeks of lay, ~300 eggs per year
• 50 percent production at week 20
• Peak production 93-95 percent
• Excellent feed conversion ratio
• Easy to manage, calm disposition
• Excellent shell strength with dark brown eggshell coloring
• Has been bred to adapt to different conditions, allowing them to produce well in housing or to thrive on free range.
Available as color sexed pullet chicks or cockerel chicks.
*This breed will not breed true if crossed*
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)
Golden Bovan (Golden Sex Link) | |
Breed Origin: | Netherlands |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large-XL |
Egg Production: | 300+ Annually |
Matures: | Early, 18-20 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Large, 5.5 lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
Golden Bovan (Golden Sex Link)
The Golden Bovan, or Bovan Brown, is a high production Golden Sex Link breed known for their capability to produce 300+ brown eggs per year. Originally developed and bred in the Netherlands, the Bovan Brown is a well know breed, both commercially, and as a backyard staple, which goes by many names, such as Golden Sex Link or Golden Buff.
The Golden Bovan, is the result of Crossing a Rhode Island Red male, with a Rhode Island White female. This breed will make a great addition to any flock! Color sexable at hatch.
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)
ISA Brown | |
Breed Origin: | France |
Egg Color: | Reddish Brown |
Egg Size: | Large-XL, Jumbo |
Egg Production: | 290+ Annually |
Matures: | Early, 18-20 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Medium, 4.5 lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
ISA Brown
The ISA Brown is a hybrid Red Sex-Link. Like the Novogen, this variety originated in France, from a cross between Rhode Island Red and Leghorn genetics.
This bird will lay a large to extra-large dark brown egg. Average production to 76 weeks of lay is approximately 320 eggs.
This variety is commonly referred to under other names as well, such as the Golden Comet, Red Star, or simply a Red Sex-Link. Most people are most familiar with this variety of Red Sex-Link, due to its relatively lengthy history and reputation.
Available as color sexed pullets or cockerel chicks.
*This breed will not breed true if crossed*
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)
Blue Sapphire Plymouth Rock *NEW | |
Breed Origin: | Czechoslovakia |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large-XL |
Egg Production: | 290+ Annually |
Matures: | 20 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Large, 5+ lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
Blue Sapphire Plymouth Rock
This unique breed resembles the Blue Plymouth Rock and Blue Andalusian breeds and is imported from the Czech Republic.
A proprietary high production cross of a native Andalusian male and a Plymouth Barred Rock female, this breed will thrive on any homestead!
With a feather color that is bluish gray with flecks of black, it will produce 290+ large to extra large brown eggs per year.
You will not be disappointed if you try this breed!
Color sexable at hatch, and available as sexed pullet or cockerel chicks.
*This breed will not breed true if crossed*
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)
Dominant Copper *NEW | |
Breed Origin: | Czechoslovakia |
Egg Color: | Dark Copper, Chocolate Brown, Mottled and Speckled Brown |
Egg Size: | Large-XL |
Egg Production: | 290+ Annually |
Matures: | 20 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Medium, 4-4.5 lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
Dominant Copper
This unique breed, imported from the Czech Republic, is a proprietary high production cross between a Black Copper Maran male and a Barred Rock female. With a feather color which displays its Black Copper Maran heritage, this breed forages well. It will produce an impressive 290+ large copper-to-dark chocolate-colored eggs per calendar year, which is exceptional for a breed that lays dark eggs.
Some birds will have feathered feet, while others will not. This is a byproduct of cross breeding.
Throughout the lifespan of this breed, egg color will transform. You can expect to receive some very dark colored eggs but may also receive lighter colored brown eggs from time to time. The range of color shades is part of what makes this variety so unique!
The Dominant Copper is an excellent balance of beautiful eggs and efficiency.
Color sexable, and available as sexed pullet chicks or cockerel chicks.
*This breed will not breed true if crossed*
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)
ColorPack Layer | |
Breed Origin: | Czechoslovakia |
Egg Color: | Green, Blue, Khaki, Pink tinted, and occasionally, brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
Egg Production: | 280+ Annually |
Matures: | 20-22 Weeks |
Bird Size: | Medium, 4 lbs |
Hardiness: | Heat & Cold Tolerant |
Sexable by: | Color |
ColorPack Layer
This variety is a proprietary high production cross of several breed lines, which will yield 280+ predominantly blue and green, colored eggs per year.
Most pullet chicks are brown with dark stripes, but some may also be red with yellow mottling, or even, lighter brown, almost buff, and occasionally, solid yellow. *Chicks which are solid yellow, are feather sexed, while all other color lines can be color sexed.
Most hens will feather out to be a rust or reddish brown color, with some darker striping, closely resembling their Cream Legbar ancestry, but some may also be cream colored. Thanks to the Cream Legbar traits, ColorPack hens will develop a top crest and will lay blue, green, brown, and even pink tinted eggs!
ColorPack cockerel chicks are typically very muted in color, have no barring or mottling, or are just solid yellow, while roosters, may feather out to be multicolored, solid colored, and even white with some black striping.
The reason that we refer to our breed as the ColorPack, is because this breed will make a perfect addition to your colored egg assortment of layers, truly helping you achieve a “colorpack” carton of eggs.
If you are looking for something different, which will lay at a competitive level, try our ColorPack Layer.
Even though this may sound like an Easter Egger type cross, this bird is not related in any way to the Americana, or Araucana lines.
The ColorPack Layer is color sexable. Available as pullets or cockerels.
*This breed will not breed true if crossed*
Minimum quantity: 5 (may be combined with any other egg layer variety to meet minimum shipping quantity of 10 chicks)